In most cases, headaches vanish entirely on their own and never pose a serious threat. However, there are situations in the event the headache is severe and frequently recurs, causing concern towards the patient. Headaches must be diagnosed by way of a specialist.
The most frequent reasons behind headaches include:
– fatigue,
– mental exhaustion
– issues with cerebral circulation,
– vascular changes,
– sometimes metabolism is disturbed,
– diseases of other organs with the body within the skull or in its immediate vicinity (for example, otitis media, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).
Headache is normally split into spontaneous and secondary.
Symptomatic headaches (once the pain is non-specific) may be sign of other diseases.
Precisely what diseases could cause headaches?
– sinusitis;
– otitis;
– diseases of the gums and teeth;
– flu;
– streptococcal tonsillitis;
– eye disease;
– allergy;
– trigeminal neuralgia;
– spinal degeneration;
– hypertension;
– post-traumatic headaches;
– – meningitis;
– alcohol abuse;
– carbon monoxide poisoning;
– a brain tumor.
Types of headaches
The most common headaches are listed below:
headaches of vascular origin: migraine, vasomotor, menopause in females, with arterial hypertension, with arterial hypotension, with atherosclerosis.
post-traumatic headaches
pain from the nerves with the face and head (called neuralgia)
headaches of toxic origin
headaches being a sign of inflammation within it
headaches in eye diseases
headaches in diseases from the ears
headaches in diseases in the paranasal sinuses.
headaches linked to psychiatric disorders
headaches because of problems inside the neck and neck.
Cluster headaches are spontaneous (primary) headaches, the issue being this itself, which affects the head area.
Tension headaches – frequently affect women in adulthood (25-35 years). This sort of disease may have a different origin and clinical picture, the pain looks to be regular and of varying duration. Tension headache is a multi-stimulus process as well as the origin in the pain itself is not fully known.
Do you require a doctor’s consultation?
Do you often have headaches? Painkillers don’t help? Join a consultation using the doctor with the medical diagnostic center “Meddiagnostics”.
Headaches with ailments
Headaches that occur with other diseases come in a variety of forms. Those with sinusitis usually have a dull, pressing pain that will get worse during the day so when bending forward.
Patients suffering from degeneration from the cervical spine experience a headache that radiates from your neck towards the back with the head. The pain becomes worse once we move our head laterally and back. People who have hypertension also complain of headaches (which explains why it’s worth taking your hypertension as soon as your head hurts), this kind of pain often affects menopausal and post-menopausal women, and also men over Four decades of age (sometimes dizziness occurs).
With assorted infections, this is sudden and quite severe, sometimes associated with nausea and sensitivity to light (meningitis). These kinds of ailments should never be ignored, and you need to always consult your doctor, as this can endanger the life span of the patient.
Regarding headaches, it really is worth mentioning trigeminal neuralgia, which is characterized by one-sided pain that doesn’t last for very long (we’re feeling like electricity has gone by through us). Although pains are severe, they pass quickly.
Often diagnosing a headache is quite difficult. This is also true of post-traumatic headache, which could take various forms. The anguish could be dull, diffuse, localized to begin of injury. Pain can be shown soon after a trauma at the beginning which after several months or years – as chronic headaches.
Brain tumors are thought a fairly rare but very serious source of headaches. When the headache is accompanied by morning sickness, neurological problems as paresis or sensory disturbances, epilepsy, consult a physician immediately.
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