Professional pcb supplier from Shenzhen China

professional pcb supplier from Shenzhen China, contract electronic turnkey manufacturing, PCB assembly services company. SMT assembly factory, PCBA OEM EMS supplier,Cheap Fr4/Flex/Rogers PCB manufacturer, electronic components turnkey sourcing.
“PCBSINO is a professional pcb manufacturer/factory/supplier from Shenzhen China,
contract electronic turnkey manufacturing, PCB assembly services company. SMT assembly factory, PCBA OEM EMS supplier, electronic components turnkey part sourcing for custom PCBA project.

Cheap Fr4/Flex/Rogers/Aluminum metal PCB manufacturer,
Contract PCB manufacturing; we make fast and quick PCB prototype, cusotmer can quote online,
we also can do PCBA prototype assembly and MCU programming and Electronic Function test;
As EMS/OEM SMT House, our electronic manufacturing PCB assembly include:
SMT PCB assembly;
pick and place automatic SMT Assembly;
Wave soldering Assembly;
Manual Labor insertion Assembly services;
Contract Electronic manufacturing;
Contract PCB Assembly services;
PCB components part soldering/welding;
components sourcing & procurement;
Prototype PCBA//Turnkey Solution;
Cable assembly;
Box build assembly;
Micron MT29F8G08ABACAWP:C Original 10K stock;
BGA rework and PCB repair;

For more information about Electronic PCB EMS OEM China please visit webpage: look at this now.

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