Which people counting technology is best for you?

If you are a new comer to retail people counting the other of the first questions you’ll be wondering is which technology must i be utilizing?

You can find three main forms of technologies; beams, thermal and video. Each have their unique benefits and weaknesses with respect to the environment these are being installed in.

Beam Counters – Are often battery operated and therefore fitted to short-run use. They’re simple to install and remove, but in addition vulnerable to get damaged and field of view blocked. They’re not able to count people walking using an entrance side-by-side and for that reason will undercount.

Thermal Cameras – Infra-red devices much like the IRISYS cameras will be the most in-demand retail analytics on the globe. These units are IP enabled and over one unit can be linked together for wide entrances. Accuracy levels have become good.

Cameras – Be single or dual vision IP enabled devices. The view cameras are usually less accurate. Overall the recording tools are more expense than thermal cameras. The dual-view cameras are as accurate as the thermal devices in most cases.

At StoreTech our software solution is hardware independent, this means should you already own people counting hardware its potential we can easily integrate and import the customer data into our solution.

With more than Many years expertise in the folks counting industry, StoreTech are content to share the pros and cons of each sort of technology and help you to decide the most suitable choice.
For additional information about retail analytics have a look at this resource: visit site

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